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Wake Forest has developed a range of online resources for learning and life.  The online connections we can all share right now are important to our well-being and sense of community.  To strengthen these connections, we offer here a variety of learning opportunities from across the university that are available to you with just a couple of clicks.

The Continuing Studies Office does not have detailed information on everything you will find on these campus resource pages, so we encourage you to reach out to the particular office or department for details.  If you would like to learn more about our credit and non-credit programs in Continuing Studies, click on the dropdown menus for Liberal Arts Studies and Lifelong Learning above.


In a time of global crisis, we need to take care of our own well-being, and do whatever we can to help others — in our families, organizations, and communities.

Taking Care of You: Well-Being and Practical Concerns

Resources on a variety of ways to help you maintain your sense of well-being, as we all learn to adjust to working and living in a world of physical distancing.

MOVE with Christina Soriano and her team

Short, seated movement warm ups for all to enjoy.