Dear Friends,

We are so pleased to be getting back in touch with you, our curious, eager, and inquisitive constituency. Lifelong learners make up one of the most stimulating audiences of participants our teachers enjoy as they present what they know best to a classroom of people who want to know more.

This Fall will be different as we Zoom together, but our faculty are all experienced in teaching through this method. We’ve learned in our own lives as a staff that Zoom meetings, whether business or family, start dragging if it lasts 2 hours. So we’ve chosen to make each week’s class a 60-90 minute session. Starting dates in October and November are staggered, and times of day vary. You will have a wide range of choices.

All five courses are timely and thought-provoking. You can learn anything from what exactly a virus is and what makes COVID-19 so potent, to the way math and statistics can hide racial assumptions (NO math expertise expected!). Mr. Beethoven will appear at age 250, the ancient civilization of China will confront the relatively new nation of the United States, and another course will help you sort out what’s true and trusted on the Internet and what is not.

We look forward to seeing you on our screens very soon.

Tom Frank

Program Director

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