Dear Friends,
As I write it is New Year’s Eve, and I wish for all of you a happy and healthy New Year. Today is also my last day as Associate Dean for Continuing Studies in the Graduate School. And thus I am also stepping down from my term as Director of the Lifelong Learning program.
I have truly enjoyed this opportunity to see how our program can be expanded to reach more people, grounded in the loyalty of so many of you who have been with us from the beginning six years ago. While COVID interrupted many well-laid plans, it’s been great to see your faces in Zoom classes. And I know that the next director will bring fresh ideas and directions to the unique learning opportunities that lie ahead.
Wake Forest has structured Lifelong Learning as a means of connecting our outstanding faculty with a local community of people eager to expand their horizons. In this it is already a great success, in which I am grateful to have played a role. And now, onward!
A new director will be appointed this Spring, and meanwhile Professor Sandy Dickson will serve as interim. She will be working with our dream team staff of Mimi Komos, the lead program assistant for Lifelong Learning, and April Strader Bullin, the program assistant for marketing our programs. Please give them your enthusiastic support in this coming semester and beyond.
Wishing you all the best,
Tom Frank

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