Summer 2024

The Long Decade of the Sixties: 1956 – 1974
LBS 723Summer 1
Professor Simone Caron
Department of History

This is an interdisciplinary course that examines changes in American society from the Eisenhower years of domesticity and cold war tensions through the Nixon years of the Vietnam War and Watergate. We will discuss music, film, literature, religion, electoral politics, civil rights, women’s rights, student movements, antiwar protest, the counter culture, gender roles, poverty and welfare, environmentalism, the Space Race, and the Golden Age of Medicine.

The Digital World
LBS 721Summer 2
Professor Ananda Mitra
Department of Communications

This course addresses the various ways in which the digital World has become an inseparable and essential aspect of everyday life for millions of people across the World. This course would be of particular significance in the summer of 2023 as the World as the pandemic of 2020 virtually disappears, but leaves a vital digital trail.
The course traces the history of our interconnectedness with the digital and how it impacts crucial life concerns such as privacy, surveillance, politics, and everyday life activities from shopping to education.
Drawing upon contemporary theories about the practice of technology, the nature and utilization of Big Data, and the industrial aspects of the digital World, and the increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence
tools such as “ChatGPT,” the students learn how to be critics of the digital World as well as how to negotiate one’s way through this emergent World. Eventually, the course focuses on the benefits and burdens of living in the digital World using illustrations that keep unfolding on a regular basis.



If you have questions about the Liberal Arts Studies M.A. program, please contact us so we can help you!

Liberal Arts Studies M.A.


If you have questions about the Liberal Arts Studies M.A. program, please contact us so we can help you!
