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Thank you for your interest in teaching in the Wake Forest University Lifelong Learning Program. Through this program, we offer access to the rich and diverse academic resources of our University faculty for members of the community, without the pressure of papers, tests, or required reading. Our primary audience is mature, educated, and intellectually engaged, and they seek a broad variety of course topics that present opportunities for new insight and discussion. A number of participants have taken multiple classes. They are the reason we have begun to speak enthusiastically about our program as “Learning for Life.”

We welcome courses on topics from any field: history, literature, science, philosophy, religion, current national & world events, politics, or other subjects you may suggest. All you need to keep in mind is that you are teaching your subject for non-specialists.

Please contact our office if you would like to discuss your ideas before submitting a proposal.

Courses typically consist of a minimum of 12 contact hours, and normally meet for 2 hours once a week for 6 weeks. Please suggest other formats such as a shorter class if it would suit your schedule better. Courses are usually taught at the Liberal Arts Studies/Lifelong Learning space in the Brookstown Mill complex in downtown Winston-Salem. We conduct most of our classes during the daytime hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. but we do offer the occasional evening class beginning at 6 p.m.

Please note: . Online classes are typically for 90 minutes due zoom fatigue. Contact us if you wish to discuss this current teaching format.


If you have questions about the Lifelong Learning program, please contact us so we can help you!

Lifelong Learning
Wake Forest University
P.O. Box 6103
Winston-Salem, NC 27109